The inspirational handbag designer has given special creative ideas to the recently launched branded handbags, whether they are Dior's 12-nation limited edition saddle bags, Chanel's transparent sacks, or Chinese controversial LV snakeskin bags. All embody the designer's whimsy. Looking at the following innovative handbags that have been introduced by top international brands, will you have the urge to immediately have them? Because once you are slow, it means you missed it all your life. Dior Memorial Limited Edition Handbag Amazing: "I hope to design a special Saddle Bag to celebrate its 10th anniversary. When designing and designing the 10th anniversary of the Saddle Bag, I hope to display the culture and inspiration that I have borrowed. And draw inspiration to design a Saddle Bag for each country that is shaping the new image of Dior.†This is the idea of ​​Dior Creative Director John Galliano launching this series to commemorate limited edition handbags. John Galliano specially selected twelve countries and designed a unique saddle-shaped saddle bag representing twelve different months to commemorate the glory days of his ten years in Dior. The special feature of this series of handbags is that it is a set of twelve, and the stores that can sell a full set of 12 handbags are not all over the world. As in China, there are only two sets of Shanghai, and Hong Kong has one set. Therefore, it is very unlikely that you would like to collect these beautiful and commemorative handbags. Previous page 1 23 Next page
When the cold weather comes, having a long pants is a good choice.
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The big new spring and summer inspirational handbags whimsy
July 21, 2018