It is necessary to quote a lower price for the quotation: 1. Personally think that it is not necessary, because you have already said that it is lower, the customer does not need to talk to you. He will find other manufacturers in the quotation. If there are manufacturers lower than you, the business will be yellow. Unless other manufacturers offer you low, they will come back to negotiate with you. So I said that I can't say the lower price when I quoted the previous one. 2. As long as your price has an advantage in the peers, you say that the price is low. Because he can't find a lower price elsewhere, he will come back to you too. At the same time, you can also add: "My price is lower in the peer field. If you find that there is a lower price, you can tell me." In this case, if the customer sees another place and sees a lower price, he will report it to you. My own experience, I hope to help you. 3. To say quality, don't say the price problem easily, because the customer will have doubts about your product, you can say that the price is the right price in the same product! 4. Look at the customer, if the customer is only the first inquiry, report a little higher, leave some space, if the customer asks again, the customer can grasp the order price to properly report the lower price. 5. I think he can say that this is the bottom price that our factory can bear. Maybe the customer can find a lower price in other factories, and the customer will feel cheated, and if it is, this is what our factory can bear. The reserve price is different for each factory. The specialties are different. The reserve price is not the same, so it feels more appropriate. Facade Wall Panel,Heat Insulation Wall Panel,Decoration Wall Panel Cashmere Scarf,Wool Scarf Co., Ltd. ,
September 30, 2018